The Boston Globe Boston, Massachusetts Sunday, July 25, 1971 - Page 115
Chess - 19 Straight for Fischer by Harold Dondis
While Korchnoi and Petrosian continue their struggle with eight straight draws, Fischer has swept Larsen off the boards with an astounding 6-0 victory, marking Fischer's 19th straight victory in international play. It is a tragic blow to Larsen's magnificent chess career.
Below is the fourth Fischer-Larsen game. It is a King's Indian with Fischer using the same set-up as against Taimanov. Larsen elects to attack on the Queen-side but his mobilization there came to a dead stop, while his King is easy prey on the other side. This is not the most exciting game of the match.
The fifth game will appear next week.
The sixth game more nearly resembles the first game in that it is a go-for-broke attack by Larsen. Fischer has the upper hand most of the way, though Larsen puts him to a stiff defensive test and can draw by 30. NxP. The opening is Larsen's specialty, a Sicilian with an early P-KB4 by white. It does not stop Fischer, though he uses more time than is usual for him on the clock.