Courier-Post Camden, New Jersey Saturday, November 20, 1971 - Page 20
Chess as a Spectator Sport
In the United States, chess as a spectator sport ranks so far below football, basketball, baseball and hockey that it's practically invisible.
In Buenos Aires the other day, a crowd of fans gathered outside the huge San Martin Theater to cheer an American, Bobby Fischer, who had just defeated Tigran Petrosian of the Soviet Union in a 12-game match for the right to challenge the world champion, another Russian named Boris Spassky.
Bobby modestly slipped out the back door, and most of the fans charitably pretended they didn't recognize Petrosian as he left the theater. Chess is big in Argentina.
It was a tough match. Fischer occasionally clutched his head and sipped orange juice to break the tension. Petrosian drank coffee brewed backstage by his wife. Fans follow the action on big electronic chessboards, cheering the success of an audacious pawn sacrifice and groaning when their favorite is out-maneuvered.
Yay, Bobby! Right on! Hang in there, man, and good luck to your French Defense (whatever that is)!