Daily News New York, New York Sunday, September 05, 1971 - Page 22
Free Press Note : Soviet Russia
it's leading sports “newspaper” the other day loosed a loud blast at the great U.S. chess player, Bobby Fischer.
The sheet admitted that Mr. Fischer is an “all around chess player, unusually strong in both positional and combinational games,” but added that recently he has been telling untruths about Russian chess experts.
These folks, Fischer was quoted as charging, habitually plot to play draw games against one another but play to defeat foreign players.
This is far from the first time such charges have been fired at Soviet chess players. And it's at least a fair bet that the charges are true. The Kremlin habitually uses sports for political purposes.
So here's a suggestion:
Why not a free-world chess federation of some sort, which would refuse to recognize chess “champions” in Soviet Russia, Red China, or any of the Captive Nations, until and unless ironclad international chess tournament rules to preclude cheating were accepted by those nations?
All this isn't overly important; but why should free-world chess players hold still while Reds play them for patsies?