Times Colonist Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Saturday, June 19, 1971 - Page 18
Chess Master
Notes gathered at the kibitzer's room from the masters at Palma. Played in the third round in the inter-zonal:
Robert James Fischer vs William G Addison Palma de Mallorca Interzonal (1970), Palma de Mallorca ESP, rd 3, Nov-11 Scandinavian Defense: Ilundain Variation (B01) 1-0 https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1044295
1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5(a) 3. Nc3 Qd8(b) 4. d4 Nf6 5. Bc4 Bf5(c) 6. Qf3 Qc8 7. Bg5 Bxc2(d) 8. Rc1 Bg6 9. Nge2 Nbd7 10. O-O(e) e6 11. Bxf6 gxf6(f) 12. d5 e5(g) 13. Bb5 Be7(h) 14. Ng3 a6 15. Bd3 Qd8(i) 16. h4 h5 17. Bf5 Nb6 18. Nce4(j) Nxd5 19. Rfd1 c6 20. Nc3 Qb6 21. Rxd5(k) cxd5 22. Nxd5 Qxb2 23. Rb1 Qxa2 24. Rxb7 1-0
(a)The Scandinavian defense is hardly ever played in serious chess nowadays. It represents the loss of a lot of tempi's. Black should have considered 2 … N-KB3 here.
(b)3.…Q-QR4 is usually played here. Now white gains more time.
(c)Of doubtful value, Fischer is not afraid to sacrifice a pawn for freedom of action.
(d)Otherwise, White castles Queen's side. Addison hopes that the pawn will compensate for the loss of time and development.
(e) White's advantage is evident. All his pieces are developed whereas the Black King is still in the centre. Fischer exploits the position in grand-masterly fashion.
(f) After 11. … NxB; 12. P-Q5 follows as in the game.
(g) To avoid opening up lines of attack for White, Fischer takes advantage of Black's weak white squares.
(h) Must stop QxBP.
(i) Black's position is almost desperate.
(j) Sacrifices a second pawn so as to open up lines for the final onslaught.
(k) The beginning of the end.
(l) Too many threats. If 24. … B-Q1; 25. NxPch, BxN; 26. Q-B6ch with mate in two.