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Adjourned position from the sixth match game between Tigran Petrosian and Robert Fischer, Buenos Aires. B1's last move was 41 . . . K-N4, as in diagram. Continuation of game below.
Solution to last week's quiz (Johannson vs. Platzack): 1. N-N4! R-R1 (if 1. ... QxN; 2. B-B6, Or 1. ... QxR; 2. N-B6ch); 2. N-B6ch, K-R1; 3. Q-K6! QxR; 4. Q-R3ch Resigns.
Fischer Wins Match
By winning the last four games of his match with ex-world champion, Tigran Petrosian, USSR, at Buenos Aires, Bobby Fischer, U.S.A., put the issue beyond doubt, 6½-2½ pts., In the best of 12 games series. He will now meet the current world champion, Boris Spassky, USSR, in a best of 24 games match the title in the spring.
Conclusion of the 6th match game, Buenos Aires, 1971:
Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian vs Robert James Fischer
Fischer - Petrosian Candidates Final (1971), Buenos Aires ARG, rd 6, Oct-17
Zukertort Opening: Sicilian Invitation (A04) 0-1
44. Rb1(c) Rc7
(c) White's only hope is to keep the K on the R-file, or force exchange of Rooks. Both easily evaded.
57. Ne2 Kb3 (d)
(d) Black has achieved all his objectives and the game is now virtually over.
60. Nxd4+(f) exd4
(f) Nothing else. If 60. N-N3, R-Q8ch; 61. K-K2 K-B7; 62. R-B7ch B-B6.
Robert James Fischer vs Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian
Fischer - Petrosian Candidates Final (1971), Buenos Aires ARG, rd 7, Oct-19
Sicilian Defense: Kan. Modern Variation (B42) 1-0
12. Qa4+ Qd7(a)
(a) Setting a trap, for if 13. B-QN5, PxB; 14. QxR O-O and the White Queen will need time to get back into the main stream of action.
16. Bc5(b) Rfe8
(b) As Horowitz remarks in the NY Times, White could win a P here but declines, i.e., 16. N-N6, R-QN1; 17. BxP N-N5 with ample counter-play.
26. Kf2 h5(c)
(c) Trying to stir something up on the K-side but only creates further weaknesses.
30. Kd2 Nb6(d)
(d) To prevent B-QB4 and R-K6. But now it is the '7th rank absolute' and all is quickly over.
34. Bc4 1-0 (e)
(e) 34. . . N-R4; 35. R-KR7, R-KB3; 36. R-R8ch, R-B1; 37. B-B7ch.
1971 Eastern Ontario Open
The Ottawa RA Club in conjunction with the Carleton University Chess CLub is organizing the 1971 Eastern Ontario Open Championship. This is the Eastern Ontario Chess League's premier event. Time: No. 20-21 (Saturday-Sunday). Place: Carleton University Campus, Loeb Building, Rooms 720 and 742. Five rounds of Swiss pairing, three rounds of Saturday and two on Sunday. Full details next week.