New York Times, New York, New York, Monday, December 06, 1971 - Page 36
Chess: World Rating System Puts Fischer Ahead of Spassky by Al Horowitz
According to the Arpad Elo worldwide rating system, appearing in the most recent issue of Chess Express, the international chess magazine, the top 20 players in the world and their ratings are as follows:
1. Fischer .......... 2,760 2. Spassky .......... 2,690 3. Korchnoi ......... 2,670 4. Larsen ........... 2,660 5. Petrosian ........ 2,640 6. Pol'gayevsky ..... 2,640 7. Botvinnik ........ 2,630 8. Portisch ......... 2,630 9. Smyslov .......... 2,620 10. Tal ............. 2,620 11. Geller .......... 2,615 12. Keres ........... 2,615 13. Hort ............ 2,605 14. Stein ........... 2,605 15. Gligoric ........ 2,600 16. Taimanov ........ 2,600 17. Bronstein ....... 2,590 18. Hubner .......... 2,590 19. Gipslis ......... 2,580 20. Krogius ......... 2,575
Curiously, the system, based on activity and results, confirms to a large degree its academic mathematical accuracy. That the world champion, Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union, should be second in the standings sheds some relative light on the subject.
In reviewing games of the past played by Bobby Fischer of the United States, the game against Robert Byrne in the United States championship of 1963-64 had a happy ending. During its course, Fischer “sacked” a piece.
Among the kibitzers, of whom there were masters and grandmasters, many hoped that Bobby had over-extended himself. Probably, “the wish was father to the thought,” but any number of alternative suggestions all full of blunders were offered as discretionary options.
At the end of the game, a buzzing rent the atmosphere. “Byrne is coming into his own,” was the gist of it all.
Everyone waited expectantly, anticipating a smash finish. After waiting and waiting, game the final reply: “I resign,” said Byrne.
When only 14 years old, Fischer had already advanced to chess maturity. He learned to accumulate small pluses whose sum total added to an overwhelming position.
Robert Eugene Byrne vs Robert James Fischer US Championship (1963/64), New York, NY USA, rd 3, Dec-18 King's Indian Defense: Fianchetto Variation. Immediate Fianchetto (E60) 0-1