Asbury Park Press Asbury Park, New Jersey Sunday, March 14, 1971 - Page 47
The Chessboard - Benoni Gaining Followers by Harry T. Conover, Press Staff Writer
The Benoni Defense, long shunned by many masters as inadequate, appears to be emerging as a viable reply to 1. P-Q4. At least, more evidence is piling up in the form of victories for Black in the Benoni as it gains favor in international play.
A good example was Bobby Fischer's win over Wolfgang Uhlmann of East Germany, in the interzonal tournament at Majorca. The game was of considerable theoretical interest to students of the defense. Here is the score:
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 c5
3. d5 e6
Benko and Browne have been using a gambit at this point (3. … P-QN4!?) with fair success. In Gligoric-Browne, Zagreb, 1970, the continuation was 4. PxP P-QR3; 5. PxP BxP; 6. N-QB3 P-Q3; 7. N-B3 P-N3; 8. P-K4 BxB; 9. KxB B-N2; 10. P-KN3 O-O; 11. K-N2 Q-N3 and a draw resulted, although Black missed winning chances. The text attacks WHite's advanced pawn directly.
4. Nc3 exd5
5. cxd5 d6
If he is to play the Benoni, Black must be content with his backward queen's pawn.
6. e4 g6
7. Bf4 …
White puts immediate pressure on the Black queen's pawn, but this bishop might have more scope if developed at QN2, challenging the Black king's bishop. The game continued: 7. … a6
8. a4 Bg7
9. Nf3 O-O
10. Be2 Bg4
11. O-O Re8
12. h3 Nxe4 (Now White is confronted with the unpleasantness of 14. PxB BxN, etc But Uhlmann has a sharp retort in mind.)
13. Nxe4 …
Removing Black's option on 13. … BxN and posing some difficult problems which Fischer now sets out to solve.
13. … Rxe4
14. Bg5 …
On the surface it appears Black will be hard pressed to avoid material loss.
Now Black deftly secures the win by bringing pressure to bear on White's weak queen's pawn.
14. … Qe8
15. Bd3 Bxf3
16. Qxf3 Rb4
Black has come out of the complications a pawn ahead and with prospects of gaining another.
17. Rae1 Be5!
A grave mistake would be 17. … QxP, because of the potent 18. R-K7.
18. Qd1 Qxa4
19. Qxa4 Rxa4
20. f4 Bd4+
21. Kh1 Nd7
22. Re7 Nf6
Black gave up one pawn in order to achieve a further reduction in forces. There followed 23. Rxb7 Nh5
24. Kh2 Be3
25. Be2 Bxf4+
26. Bxf4 Rxf4
27. Rb6 Rxf1
28. Bxf1 and Black replied:
28. … Rd8
29. Bxa6 Kg7
30. Bb5 Kf6
31. Bc6 Ke5
32. Rb7 Rf8
33. Re7+ Kd4
34. Rd7 Nf6
White Resigns
The White queen's pawn must fall. And after 35. RxQP? there comes 35. … K-K4.
Wolfgang Uhlmann vs Robert James Fischer
Palma de Mallorca Interzonal (1970), Palma de Mallorca ESP, rd 18, Dec-03
Benoni Defense: King Pawn lines (A65) 0-1