Asbury Park Press Asbury Park, New Jersey Sunday, February 21, 1971 - Page 35
The Chessboard : Youth Defeats Grandmaster — by Harry T. Conover Press Staff Writer
Junior chess is on the upswing in the United States where more and more youngsters are turning out to participate in the Swiss style open tournament that dot the nation's landscape practically every weekend.
Not so in the Soviet Union apparently, where chess officials are worried over a decline in the number of young people showing promise in national competition.
In an effort to rekindle interest on the part of young players the Soviets staged a tournament recently in which juniors were pitted against several grandmasters. A certain Mikhail Tal, grandmaster and former world champion, surprisingly came off second best in the following sparkling encounter:
Sicilian Defense
Kupreichik (white) vs. Tal (black)
1. P-K4 P-QB4
2. N-KB3 P-Q3
3. P-Q4 PxP
4. NxP N-QB3
5. N-QB3 N-B3
6. B-QB4
An aggressive continuation much favored by Fischer and other enterprising players.
6. … Q-N3
Black counters with an energetic move calculated to exert pressure on White's center. There followed:
7. N-N3 P-K3
8. B-K3 Q-B2
9. P-B4 White signals his intention to push for a sharp kingside attack typical of the Sicilian … P-QR3
10. B-Q3 P-QN4
11. P-QR3 it would be risky to allow the Black queen knight's pawn to advance farther unchallenged … B-K2
12. Q-B3 giving himself the option of castling queenside if it seems prudent to do so … B-N2
13. O-O since Black's strength appears to lie on the queenside, White decides to place his king on the opposite wing … R-QB
14. QR-K O-O
15. Q-R3 P-N5 expecting no doubt 16. PxP NxNP with a satisfactory game.
16. N-Q5! A jolt for which Black appears to have been little prepared … PxN
17. PxQP N-N
18. B-Q4 With a strong threat of 19. BxN, menacing mate at KR-7. Black now replied … P-N3.
19. R-B3 BxP
20. R(3)-K3 B-Q
21. Q-R4! White displays high courage, playing a piece down against Tal! … QN-Q2
22. Q-R6 Q-N2
23. R-N3 now the threat of P-B5 is very strong … N-B4
24. NxN PxN
25. P-B5! offering still another piece, and Black replied … PxB
26. BPxP The first crack appears in Black's fortress … BPxP
27. BxNP K-R else the discovered check is fatal.
28. QxRch N-N
29. B-B5 R-N
30. R-K8 Q-QB2
31. R-R3 Resigns
Viktor Kupreichik vs Mikhail Tal
Grandmasters-Young Masters (1970), Sochi URS, rd 9, Oct
Sicilian Defense: Classical. Anti-Fischer-Sozin Variation (B57) 1-0
Asbury Park Press Asbury Park, New Jersey Sunday, February 21, 1971 Chess Problem No. 195 by A. Chicco 1st Prize, 1963...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Chess Problem No. 195 by A. Chicco 1st Prize, 1963 L'Italia Scacchistica. Mates in 3 moves.
FEN 2N1n3/R3p3/1Pk2n1Q/R2pp1r1/Pp2p1P1/8/1N3P2/1K2b3 w - - 0 1
1. Q-R, threat 2. Q-B.
1 ... P-Q5 2. N-Q3
1 ... P-K6 2. N-B4
1. Qxg5 d4
2. Nxe7+ Kd6
3. Qxe5#